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Yes, trans ideology even sanctions the abuse of infants too

Writer's picture: WGONWGON

Every time you think that the gender ideology rabbit hole cannot grow any darker, somehow something else emerges and proves, yet again, that there is no bottom to this particular moral filth. 

This time it’s an utterly revolting form of abuse of infants through male “chestfeeding” which, according to the UK’s NHS Trust, is just as good as a mother’s breast milk.

I wish I was making this up but the feculence from the abyss is now out in the open and so it must be confronted. According to British health officials, a recently leaked letter from the University of Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust maintains that the substance produced by trans-identifying males who claim to be women after taking a combination of drugs and hormones is “comparable to that produced [by a mother] following the birth of a baby.” 

Let’s be unequivocally clear about what’s happening: These are medical institutions at the tops of Western nations like England pushing one of the most horrific forms of child abuse to indulge in a sick and disturbing fetish. The synthetic hormone-addled discharge from male breasts that babies are ingesting, is not remotely in the same ballpark as a mother’s breast milk. 

This is not the first time this sordid theme has manifested in the news and it’s not just in England though where this madness has appeared. Last year the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s official Website published guidance of its own for transgender and non-binary parents on how to breastfeed, or as they say in trans parlance, “chestfeed.” 

Breastfeeding organizations such as La Leche League have been captured for years by this delusional nonsense. These horrors have been percolating for a while, in fact, and they have gone from the marginal into the mainstream in a remarkably short amount of time. In 2017, the queer edition of Seattle’s alternative newspaper, The Stranger, published a personal essay that seemed to cheer on this debauchery. In it, the man who took synthetic cross-sex hormones “chest-fed” his baby after receiving advice from a “queer lactation consultant” and he went on to describe the experience of the baby sucking his nipples by asking readers to “imagine the most electric thing a partner has ever done to you, then multiply it by 10.”

He added, parenthetically: “And yeah, I kind of got off on it. Don’t judge.” Oh, make no mistake sir, I’m judging you. 

Even as I type these words I can scarcely believe that even on the deeply secular Seattle extreme fringes of our society we can read about men who “got off” by prostituting a baby as a fetishistic prop to feed the most debased of desires — and no one in power so much as bats an eye. 

In my mind, nothing captures the insanity of our present age more than supposed medical “experts” saying that infants suckling on male chests and ingesting the small amount of fluid they secrete is somehow comparable to a mother’s breast milk.

Journalists like me and my colleagues in this space have written hundreds if not thousands of articles on how gender ideology has besieged the world, documenting its harms, and giving voices to victims, and with every passing day, we keep asking each other: “How is this even real?” 

Over the years, I’ve also noticed how tight-lipped a certain segment of the Christian thought leader commentariat is on these issues. They seem to have chosen not to weigh in on how society is saturated in gender ideology and all that it has unleashed. For a while, I thought it was possible that maybe it was because such themes were a bit obscure and bizarre and due to deception in the mainstream press. In fairness to them, I understand that people like to stay on their lanes where they have expertise and these issues are viscerally unpleasant to discuss.

But at some point, ignorance and lack of understanding are no longer a viable excuse, and speaking up for the most vulnerable is an imperative especially when they are being harmed by the prevailing spirit-of-the-age dogma of the day. In a few months, it will be June and the rainbow flags are likely to saturate the streets of all of our major cities. People can’t say they can’t see this or don’t know that gender ideology and LGBTQ dogma more broadly are being hailed and championed as good. 


It’s terrible enough that 13-year-old girls are having their healthy breasts amputated, that children as young as 8 are allowed to be experimented on with cross-sex hormones in NIH-funded research grants. It’s abominable that doctors who have long abandoned the Hippocratic oath to "first, do no harm" will go to work today and harvest forearm skin and tissue to fashion a non-functional penis. It’s horrifying that incarcerated women are being terrorized in prisons, and that teen girls are being raped and sexually assaulted (including anally) in schools in Loudoun County, Virginia, and New Mexico

We are living through an age of horrific, state-sanctioned human rights atrocities dressed up as moral progress and inclusivity. And now, even infant babies are being victimized by this pathological deviance, and our institutions regard it as normal. 

It’s not normal and it never will be. It’s high time that those who pushed the insane notion that humans can ontologically exist as something other than their sex and should therefore be permitted to claim to be the opposite sex in the public domain have a good long think about what they have allowed to happen. 

J.K. Rowling said in August 2020 that she believes that “the time is coming when those organizations and individuals who have uncritically embraced fashionable dogma, and demonized those urging caution, will have to answer for the harm they’ve enabled.”

Rowling was speaking to the plight of detransitioners who were harmed by the hormonal interventions and surgeries they underwent, but her words ring true here too. If ever there was a sordid set of ideas that belongs on the ash heap of history, it’s gender ideology.  

To those still hesitant to utter nary a slightly critical word about what’s going on because you’re afraid, if enabling the abuse of infants won’t cause you to find the courage to speak, what will?

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