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I call my garden the Jehovah Jireh garden

( God provides and He sure did)


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Here are just some of my favorite flowers in my garden
2019 garden flowers
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my favorite flower in my garden

Bearded Iris Batik: Iris should be planted so the tops of the rhizomes are exposed and the roots are spread out facing downwards in the soil. Make sure not to plant the rhizomes too deep. ZONES 3 thru 9. Perennials. Full sun. Multiplies quickly.

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Follow same instructions as above.

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MIDNIGHT MARVEL HARDY HIBISCUS:  Huge, pure red blooms absolutely glow against the richest purple foliage in the genus. Since buds occur not just as at the tips, but all down the stems, blooms appear for a long period of time starting in midsummer. Midnight Marvel loves moist, rich soils, but adapts well to dryer, poor conditions. Leaves attain their most gorgeous wine-purple color when planted in full sun—an absolute show-stopper in the garden! 

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CARDINAL COLUMBINE/  AQUILEGIA:  Easily grown in average, evenly moist, well-drained soil in full sun to part shade. Tolerates a wide range of soils except heavy, poorly-drained ones. Prefers organically rich, moist soils with light to moderate shade. Remove flowering stems after bloom to encourage additional bloom. Keep soils uniformly moist after bloom to prolong attractive foliage appearance. When foliage depreciates, plants may be cut to the ground. It should be noted that seed collected from garden plants or self-seeded plants may not come true because different varieties of columbine may cross-pollinate in the garden producing seed that is at variance with either or both parents.  ZONE: 3 to 9.  Blooms April to May. perennial

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Gerbera Daisies Annuals:  These beauties have a short life span but they are worth the purchase. only hardy in zones 9 up.  They last only a couple weeks but the joy they give is priceless.  Full sun.

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6.4.19 yellow gerber daisy with red and
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Althea is a deciduous, ornamental shrub, more commonly referred to as the Rose of Sharon.and is of the hibiscus family.  A most beautiful flower to behold. It is often used for group or border planting. This althea produces beautiful double lavendar blooms in the summer. The shrub exhibits a slow-to-moderate growth rate and reaches a height of about 15 feet and a spread of about 12 feet. When planting, look for a full sun area with moist, well-drained soil. USDA ZONES: Zone 5, to 9

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 Fiesta · Daisy · gaillardia · perennial is a show off!  This flower is a stunning addition to any garden.  Pick a sunny spot and be dazzled by it's showy yellow blooms with bright orange/red centers. 

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PARROT TULIPS:  Despite their opulent appearance, parrot tulips aren’t overly fussy in their care requirements. However, they do need a bit more attention than standard tulips to protect their frilly blooms from windstorms and heavy rain. Plant the bulbs 5 inches deep and at least 3 inches apart from late September through early November, then cover the site with a thick layer of organic mulch to protect the dormant bulbs during the winter. In early spring, remove the mulch before new growth begins. After the flowers have faded, do not remove the foliage until it has yellowed and died back. To ensure repeat blooming the following spring, feed regularly during the growing season using a balanced fertilizer..  These unusual tulips come in many colors and shapes and can be quite the collection addiction.   

2018 yellow daisies with purple centers.

Osteospermums also known as Cape Daisy or African Daisy.  They come in a variety of colors and I've had several colors, from purple to yellow all breathtaking.  This one pictured was yellow with a purple center.  It was awesome!  Unfortunately, they are annuals in my zone 7 but can be perennials in zones 9 and up.  They are a great addition to any garden and I will have them yearly as they are available.  

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Althea Hibiscus syriacus blueberry smoothie  is a hardy shrub that is unusual and showy in it's beautiful carnation type flowers.  This lavender flower is a show stopper.  It will bloom from  summer to fall.  The bush is a fast grower and needs plenty of space.   It will reach about 8 ft. in height.  Needs full sun. Is hardy up to zone 5!

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Balloon flowers (Platycodon grandiflorus) are often grown for their whimsical flower buds, but this plant is one tough cookie. The balloon flower is part of the easy growing Bellflower/Campanula family, and you will notice the resemblance right away.


The botanical name means "broad bell," but the open flower is really more of a star shape. However, it's the puffy bud that intrigues gardeners and entices them to grow this plant and that gives it its common name of "balloon flower.”

Balloon flowers are long-lived perennials that rarely need dividing and are deer-resistant. Zones 3-9 full sun.

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This Chinese lantern type of bud makes this flower unique.

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  I'm not sure but I think this is a 'Sarah Bernhardt' Peony.  There were a row of these plants, well aged, when I arrived here so I don't know there name.  But, from my research, this looks close to it.  These are an old time favorite but don't cut the plant down after the blooms have died.  The leaves need to feed the plant for next year's blooming.  Once the leaves have started dying, you can then mow them down.  I was once told not to plant a peony near the house because the flower buds need ants to eat the "glue" that holds the buds into a ball so once the ants have eaten that off, the buds will open.  Interesting info.

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Japanese lace leaf maple trees (Acer palmatum var.) are named for the deeply dissected, delicate leaves that give these trees a lacy, elegantly drooping appearance. Lace leaf maples are striking ornamental trees suitable for landscapes in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 4 through 9, depending on the variety..  I was told by the nursery when I purchased this, that this green leaf variety likes mostly shade but will tolerate morning sun.  The spot I have it gets morning sun.  It's protected from the sun by the huge maple tree in the back yard..

2019 black elephant ears
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 Colocasia is a black elephant ear plant that likes it warm and humid.  They like filtered sun or shade and rich, moist soil. 


  • Fully hardy in Zones 9 to 11

  • Many are proving root-hardy in Zone 8 and a very few in Zone 7

  • Most can endure temperatures down to 30 degrees

  • Will go dormant with a frost or temperatures below 45

I will bring mine in for the winter since I have it in a pot.  I have some green elephant ears in the ground that come back every year but they never reach any good size.  These are beautiful as the center piece of a multi plant arrangement!

2020 black elephant ears
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The Macho fern  (Nephrolepsis biserrta 'Macho') is one of the most beautiful ferns I've ever seen.  At maturity, it can grow to be 6 ft. tall and almost that wide.  You can have it in shade or full sun.  However, it doesn't like cold climates so  zone 9 & 10 is ok.  But in the summer  of most climates, you will be awed by it's showiness.  Makes great screens if planted in pots or in the ground in a line together.  Not much care is needed just keep it moist.  My favorite fern of all time!

2020 flowers: I have new and last years flowers but only posting the new for this year
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These African Daisies have been cultivated to produce some of the most striking cobinations that makes you want one of each.  Unfortunately, they are annuals, but we can appreciate their beauty thru fall with a show that will make you smile.  That's why I call these "happy flowers".

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White Feather hosta:  Enrich soil with plenty of organic matter to improve soil nutrition and water-holding abilities. As for light conditions, hostas with heavy white variegations on leaves can't typically withstand direct sun. 'White Feather' hosta is no exception. Keep this pale-leafed perennial in light to full shade for best coloring.

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Osteospermum daisy type flower that never gets old to look at.  I had these last year too so you can read the care of this flower in the 2019 season, above.  The center of this flower is as beautiful as the rest of the flower and I had to show you how beautiful it is with this close up.

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These two gorgeous petunias are new for my garden this year.  The red and yellow is such a show off that I had to have more than just one.  I  found out, that if you don't give it full sun all day, the yellow will narrow and the red will take over.  So, full sun, if you want this show off to perform as you like.  I would guess the same would be true with the purple and white petunia although I haven't seen that yet.  I'll keep you informed on that.

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This beautiful ICE PLANT is a delicate looking flower.  The flower is about the size of a dime but is a showy flower, more florescent than others.  It is called an "Ice plant" because it can live to -10 degrees so yes, it's a perennial.  


Gailardia grandiflora is a perennial and looks a lot like the Feista Daisy.  

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DAHLIAS:  They are considered a tender perennial in cold regions of North America. They are only winter hardy in planting zones 8 to 11. Gardeners in zones 2 to 7 can simply plant dahlia tubers in the spring and either treat them as annuals or dig them up and store for winter. Dahlias love moist, moderate climates.  Dahlias need a sunny location to thrive. An area that receives at least 8 hours of direct sunlight is best. Less sun equals taller plants and less blooms. Exception for hot climates, they will need morning sunlight, afternoon shade.

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Looks like that little fly loves my stargazer too!

Stargazers (Lilium 'Stargazer') lilies fall in the general category of oriental hybrids, which have been selectively bred from a select group of eastern Asian species, including as L. auratum, L. speciosum, and L. japonicum). Oriental lilies are known for having large bowl-shaped of flat-shaped flowers that are unusually fragrant. Stargazers and other members of this category bloom in mid- to late-summer.

Botanical NameLilium 'Stargazer'

Common NamesStargazer lily, stargazer, oriental lily

Plant TypePerennial bulb

Mature SizeUp to 4 feet tall, with a 1-foot spread

Sun ExposureFull sun

Soil TypeWell-draining, evenly moist loamy soil

Soil pH6.3 to 6.8; slightly acidic

Bloom TimeSummer

Flower ColorPink to crimson, with white edges and dark spots

Hardiness Zones4 to 9, USDA

Native AreaNA; this is a hybrid developed in 1978; parent species are native to eastern Asia



I love taking pictures of my flowers but for some reason, hostas are especially beautiful in pictures.  Enjoy these pictures but don't ask me their names. I can't remember them.  I do know one of them, and will put that on the hosta picture.


These two are Patriot hostas.  One of my very favorites!

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Superbena verbenas are very vigorous with strongly trailing habits  They need relatively long days to bloom and are difficult to produce in small container sizes.  They have very large flowers and umbels.  They are great in landscapes and containers.  In landscapes, they are best used at the front of beds and they function as spillers in combination planters.  If you are looking for a colorful annual ground cover, Superbena is a great choice.

Plant Needs

Light Requirement: 

Part Sun to Sun

Maintenance Category: 


Bloom Time: 

Planting To Hard Frost

Hardiness Zones: 

8a, 8b, 9a, 9b, 10a, 10b, 11a, 11b

Water Category: 


Soil Fertility Requirement: 

Average Soil


A profusion of creamy yellow flowers on a fern like form, creates a showy display in sunny borders and beds. The cheery blooms blanket the airy, green foliage throughout summer, withstanding heat and humidity. Well-suited for containers and hanging baskets. An herbaceous perennial.

Light Needs:  Full sun

Water Needs:  Once established, water occasionally; more in extreme heat or containers

USDA Zone 3 - 9


My all time favorite flower, the Shasta Daisy.  I nicked named them the "Happy Flower" because they make me happy!!

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I hope you can see the huge difference in size with this red hibiscus.  The huge one on the left is the second round of blooms in middle August 2020.  The one on the right is the spring blooms in 2020.  The huge bloom was a big surprise for me and I just had to show you.  The red leaves of this bush are beautiful but the flowers are breath taking!  It's hardy in my zone 7.  Drinks water like you wouldn't believe.  But, it will reward you with a profusion of blooms all spring and summer!


To the left is the entire bush and above is the left over from a spent flower.  Even the pod looks like a beautiful green flower.  What a blessing this bush has been this year.  This is year two for it here.


This rose is my favorite rose of all, Chrysler Imperial.  It's fragrance is awesome!  The rose bush died and as we were digging it up, we saw a tiny sprig that was still alive.  However, there were no roots on it.  So, I stuck in into soil and prayed it would root and grow and bloom.  This is proof prayers are heard and answered.  It was merely one inch at the time we planted it.  It is now about 8 inches and has bloomed.  It budded and on day 3, it bloomed and smelled so wonderful!  What a gift from God!!


My grandson, Jamie, bought this for me for Mother's Day.  It's a Sweet Summer Panicle Hydrangea.  A prolific, mid-sized Hydrangea with dense flowers that remain until fall. Green flower panicles mature to white, then turn shades of pink as the weather cools, giving a charming two-toned effect.  Water regularly- weekly or more often in extreme heat. Thrives in consistently moist soil. Full sun.  Zones 4-7.


Black Diamond Crape Myrtle:  I bought this bush about 5 yrs. ago for it's beautiful black foliage.  It's a very slow grower, unlike most crape myrtles.  It gets new growth from the old stems as well as from the bottom.  It's the last to leaf and bloom.  The flowers are red and hard to see until it gets some maturity on it.  I'm training this one to be a tree.


This is a Gardenia tree.  I have it near my back door.  When I open the back door, the aroma coming from these pure white flowers is clean and beautiful to smell.  My grandson, Jamie bought this for me.


These day lilies weren't planted by me.  I've been here for 5 yrs. and I have never seen them before.  They are bulbs so they aren't dropped by a bird.  I believe they are one of the many gifts God gave me this year.  The gifts were many and just awesome surprises!!


My first year in over 50 yrs, of planting one of my favorite flowers, the gladiolus.  I have never had the nerve to try them because back then, you had to wait a year to get blooms.  Now, they have bulbs that will bloom the first year you plant them so I did it. 


This year the black elephant ears were just gorgeous!  This picture doesn't show how black the leaves truly are.  I just love this plant.  I take it in the house to winter over.  It loses it's leaves and become dormant until spring.  Early spring, it starts to put out small leaves but once you can put it back outside in the spring sun, it gets bigger leaves and turns darker in color.  I did find that this strong summer sun is not good for it so I put it in a spot that gets morning sun and it loves it there.

not fully open

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ANGEL TRUMPET TREE gets it name from the fact it's flowers look like trumpets and angels.  These pink flowers are large in size and hang downward.  This tree drinks a lot of water.  I have to water it at least 2 times a day.  It likes full sun to bloom.  It's very easy to propagate too.  Just cut it off where you want and stick the cut off section in the soil and it will root and grow.  This is a fast grower so you have to cut it back at least every two years.    The branches are hallow, as you will see when you cut it back.  It's a lot of trouble to maintain until it blooms in mid August but it's beautiful enough to make you forget how much trouble it was to maintain.  I'm in zone 7 so I have to bring it in to winter over.  It will lose all its leaves during the winter, but not to worry, they will come back when you take it back outside in the spring and will grow very fast from that point on.


My two grandsons made these huge planters for me for my sitting area.  I haven't planted but a few things in them at this point because it's still too early.  It's mid April so I'm anxious for Mother's Day to come which is when we usually plant in this area but I can't wait that long so I start in early May meaning I have to cover flowers several times until Mother's Day.

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Padhye Asianic lily is a spectacular dwarf Asiatic Lily with clusters of stunning wine red and pristine white bicolor blooms on compact stems.  Zone 3-9 full to partial sun.  Moist but not soggy soil. Moderate growing; reaches 14 to 16 in. tall, 10 to 14 in. wide.  Blooms late spring to mid summer.  Mine are probably forced bloom for sale purposes which is fine with me.  Beautiful Lily!

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This lovely perennial of dianthus is double flowering, this top-notch variety with bubble gum pink blossoms flaunt dozens of fragrant flowers atop tidy icy-blue-green foliage.  Perfect for borders with a height of 6" to 8".  Full to part sun.  Zone 4-9.

This year I have used some powerful bloom booster on my flowers.  I use 10-52-10 on them and you see below what I have gotten.  I use a soil acidifier  with the bloom booster, on the hydrangeas, the hibiscus, the Rose of Sharon, and the gardenia tree.  The results is breathtaking!  Then, we got lots of rain all spring and into July so the plants are extremely happy!  They hate city water but will survive with it if that's all they can get, but rain is their favorite.

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red hibiscus

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This coleus is the largest I've ever seen.  The leaves are huge and the colors are more vibrant than I've ever seen.  The green is florescent.  It's the size of a bush!