( Post Millennial )
Anti-Israel activists shut down a major freeway in Portland on Saturday afternoon, trapping hundreds of motorists for about two hours. At least one of the activists appeared to be linked to Antifa.
The ceasefire agitators used cars with covered license plates to block all southbound lanes of I-405 near the Everett Street exit.
One car with a combined Antifa-Palestine flag was also caught on video.
A driver named Matt told The Ari Hoffman Show on Talk Radio 570 KVI, “The wife and I watched in dismay as many vehicles, traveling in a caravan on southbound I-5, had traffic snarled for miles and were holding all traffic down to perhaps less than ten mph.”
“Were those American flags flying out of all the vehicles? No, they were Palestinian flags. Standing up in sunroofs, hanging out car windows, driving so slow with every lane wide open ahead, these clowns owned the day, not a cop one to be seen.”
He added, “Another example of the few diminishing quality of life for the many, with impunity.”
A Portland Police Bureau spokesperson claimed they were monitoring the situation and that four people were arrested for disorderly conduct.
The spokesperson said there wasn’t a larger response due to a lack of available resources. The department told KATU that the longer the disruption, the more likely it is to get a response. Most of the activists eventually dispersed on their own after two hours and traffic resumed.
That was not the only incident targeting the Jewish state this weekend in Rose City.
On Friday, while supporters of Israel were holding a small rally in Pioneer Square, the group was surrounded and harassed by Antifa and far-left extremists.
A journalist who was covering the pro-Israel event was also accosted by the activists.
According to The Post Millennial’s editor-at-large Andy Ngo, “Antifa were furious police were there. They wanted to assault the anti-Hamas protesters.”
Portland residents told The Post Millennial that they were skeptical if progressive Multnomah County District Attorney Mike Schmidt would press charges.
In January, anti-Israel activists gathered in downtown Seattle, Portland’s neighbor to the north, trapping drivers for six hours. The Washington State Patrol has referred charges on over a dozen activists to prosecutors.