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Let’s Join the Cancel Culture

WGON: Linda Kirby/op ed:

Today, the cancel culture phenomena has ruined an entire generation. They are canceling the wrong things in our society and they don’t even believe their own narrative. Their actions prove this. They do it because they want to believe in something bigger than themselves...they are looking for Jesus and don’t even know it.

They say they are for the black lives yet they beat up blacks who are not part of their cult. If they cared so much for blacks, they wouldn’t burn down black businesses. How is that loving blacks? The way to help blacks is to educate the inner cities, love, support, teach families to stay together. Rebuild communities by getting rid of gangs that tear down the communities.

Let’s cancel hate. Let’s cancel corruption. Let’s cancel immorality. Let’s love our neighbor, let’s be honest. Let’s do what’s right in the eyes of the Lord. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Everyone can do this if they want to. Even those who are not in the faith can do this. How much better the world would be if we all joined THIS cancel culture?

Hating one another because they don’t think the way you do or because they have a different opinion than you does not foster growth. It’s caused by brainwashing by the power hungry leaders of this cult. Hating those with a different point of view, keeps you from growing, maturing, and learning. Not wanting to hear a different opinion, keeps you dumbed down. It makes you so easy to be deceived and led down the path of destruction.

Corruption has ruined our country and this world. It feeds off the souls of the people. It robs everyone of anything they have worked hard to achieve, be it money, security, sovereignty or peace. Corruption is born in the heart of people who want power at any cost. It will destroy all things it touches. A nation who allows corruption to exist without prosecuting it, will fall into a third world dictatorship. Corruption should be nipped in the bud for it’s like a cancer, it will grow fast and will become deadly to it’s host...the nation.

Immorality comes in so many forms. If you allow it to take hold in your life, it will take you down a destructive path that will be very hard to turn back. It’s a demonic take over of your self. It will destroy your body, mind and soul. Stop letting the world, ie: TV, movies, music, etc. influence you that immorality is acceptable today. These are Satan’s tools and all in these tools are his puppets. Don’t be fooled by them.

If you recall, in the bible all kings that did right in the eyes of the Lord, they and their nations prospered greatly. Peace was in their land. Everyone lived a good life filled with happiness. It was only when those kings became wicked and started worshiping other gods did their nation fall. Today, leaders worship other gods, ie: POWER. We must get better leadership in our nation to keep the country moving in the right direct. That direction is a Godly direction and our land will heal and prosper.

Yes, demons roam this earth and are controlling too many people today. The bible warned us that in the end times, the demons would be roaming the earth and they are here. They are much more plane to see now, with real time news and videos showing them in plane sight. They are given dominion by each person who allows them in. Once you stray from the above righteous acts I’ve laid out, you give demons your body, mind, and spirit. Love cures a lot of ills….it also casts out demons in Jesus’ name because Jesus’ IS love.

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